Help With Urgent Issues
Para ver esta información en español, elija "Spanish" del menú desplegable "Select Language" en la parte superior derecha. O, para solicitar esta información en español, comuníquese con el programa a través del correo electrónico o llame al 1-833-924-1147 (llamada gratuita).
Leases, Evictions, Rent, and Park Sales
Be Prepared for Winter’s Impact on Water Systems
When cold temperatures hit, mobile home parks can be more susceptible to water outages. As a resident, there are steps you can take to protect the pipes in your home. To start, know which parts of the water system are your responsibility and understand your rights when there’s an outage at the park.
Rights, Advocacy, and Legal Help
Learn more about your rights as a mobile home owner or tenant and find out about advocacy to change the law.
Division of Housing staff can’t provide translations of leases or rules. Visit our legal resources page for a list of legal clinics that may provide free or low-cost translation into Spanish or other languages, in addition to other services.
Mobile Home Park Data
Use this information to find out if your park is actively registered or is probably unable to increase rent under Colorado law.