Water and Wastewater in Mobile Home Parks - Landlords



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Landlords can only charge residents for the actual cost of water used. Billing methods should be reasonable, equitable, and consistent.

If a landlord charges residents for water use individually or as a group, the landlord should provide each resident a monthly water bill that includes the:

  • Amount the resident owes
  • Total amount amount all residents owe
  • Total amount the landlord paid to the water provider, if the water is from a provider

If a park charges residents individually for water use, the landlord should provide annual notices no later than January 31 to each resident and post them in at least one common area. The notices should be in both English and Spanish and include the:

  • Park’s method for charging for individual water use
  • Park’s method for charging for water use in common areas
  • Current residential water rate for the park’s water provider, if the water is from a provider

Water Sources

Most mobile home parks in Colorado get their water from a water utility. Some parks have their own source, such as a well.

Residents can ask their park manager who provides their water. If it’s a water utility, the utility may be listed on the water bill. To look up contact information for a water utility, check the Safe Water Information Finder Tool (SWIFT) provided by the Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE).


When a park’s water comes from a water utility, the utility is responsible for the service and pipes up to the park’s water meter. In these cases, the park is responsible for the water quality and system maintenance after the park’s water meter, up to and including each mobile home pad space.

Home owners are responsible for the drinking water quality and system maintenance after the mobile home pad and into the home.

Here are some ways to understand the difference. If a utility line or connection: 

  • Would stay on the land if the home were removed, it’s probably the landlord’s responsibility
  • Was added when the mobile home was installed, it’s probably the home owner’s responsibility

People who rent their mobile home can review their lease to find out whether the renter or the landlord is responsible for indoor plumbing issues.


If a landlord or their agent damages a home owner’s portion of a utility line or connection, the landlord may be responsible for the cost of repairs.

If a home owner or their guest damages a landlord’s portion of a utility line or connection, the home owner may be responsible for the cost of repairs. 

Public Drinking Water Systems

A water utility isn’t involved if a park is a public drinking water system. In these cases, which are less common, the park is responsible for more of the system.

A park must notify CDPHE if it serves water to at least 25 people or 15 buildings (including homes) for at least 60 days per year, and at least one of the following is true — the park:

  • Has its own source of water
  • Charges based on the amount of water used
  • Gets water from a utility, then provides additional treatment onsite

Find out a park’s status by reviewing CDPHE’s list of public water systems.

Water Quality Testing

Colorado House Bill 23-1257, passed in 2023, created a statewide drinking water testing program for mobile home parks that CDPHE will develop and administer.

Mobile home parks either have to be connected to a sewage utility or have their own sewage system.

If the park has its own system that treats less than 2,000 gallons a day, the county oversees the system. CDPHE oversees larger systems.

It’s typical for a park to be responsible for repairing and maintaining the sewage pipes and for having system operators per state regulations. Get details on water regulations that impact mobile home parks.

Planned Maintenance and Outages

Landlords must ensure plumbing lines are repaired and in good working order.

If planned maintenance will shut off water for more than two hours, landlords must give residents at least 72 hours’ notice.

Landlords also must give at least 72 hours’ notice before entering a lot. The notice should include the estimated date and time. Landlords don’t need to give this advance notice in emergencies.

Emergency Work, Outages, and Alternate Sources

Landlords must have and maintain an emergency contact number and post it in common areas of the park.

For emergency work that will shut off water, landlords should attempt to notify residents about the shutoff if conditions allow.

If the shutoff is going to last 12 or more hours, landlords must provide residents alternate sources of drinking water and portable toilets.

Providing Drinking Water

The Division of Housing recommends landlords provide at least 20 liters (5.3 gallons) of drinking water per person per day, which is what the U.N. Refugee Agency recommends for emergency situations.

Landlords must provide water that is safe for people to drink. This does not include water from a hose.

For a small park or shorter outage, landlords can consider purchasing sealed water jugs or bottled water.

For a larger park or longer outage, landlords can:

Providing Portable Toilets

The division recommends landlords provide at least one toilet per 20 people for shorter outages and one toilet per household for longer outages. This is based on the U.N. Refugee Agency’s recommendations for emergency situations.

Colorado law requires ensuring toilets are reasonably near affected homes in a manner that renders them accessible to people with disabilities. Landlords may be able to accomplish this by:

  • Placing a toilet within a short distance of each affected home
  • Ensuring residents don’t have to cross a major road to get to a toilet
  • Providing toilet lighting for nighttime use

Leaks and Line Breaks

Residents who see water or sewage leaks should tell park management. If management doesn’t address the problem in a timely manner, they can:

  • Contact their local public health agency
  • Report the concern to CDPHE at 1-877-518-5608 
  • File a complaint with the Mobile Home Park Oversight Program

If landlords know about a water leak in the park, they must notify residents within 24 hours. If they have questions about their additional responsibilities under Colorado law, they can contact MHPOP@state.co.us or 1-833-924-1147.

Landlords can’t bill residents for water line leaks that are the park’s responsibility.

Visit CDPHE’s guidance for emergencies, including reporting spills and what to do if there’s a loss in water pressure, including boil orders.

If a landlord fails to maintain or repair parts of a water, sewer, or utility system that are the park’s responsibility, the landlord may be required to reimburse residents for resulting damages, loss of property, and expenses.

Costs that may be reimbursable include:

  • Drinking water
  • Laundromats
  • Showers
  • Disposable plates and cutlery, if residents can’t do dishes
  • Motel or hotel stays
  • Mileage to and from non-park laundromats, shower facilities, and lodging

To get reimbursed, residents should:

  • Get and keep receipts for all potential expenses
  • Ask store owners to write receipts for cash purchases, such as coin laundries or water dispensers
  • Save a map showing their mileage
  • Request reimbursement in writing from the landlord and include copies of receipts

If the request is not successful, residents can file a complaint and include documentation, such as copies of receipts.


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