Para ver esta información en español, elija "Spanish" del menú desplegable "Select Language" en la parte superior derecha. O, para solicitar esta información en español, comuníquese con el programa a través del correo electrónico o llame al 1-833-924-1147 (llamada gratuita).
Group Complaints
A group only needs to submit one form. Provide each complainant’s contact information in the form so staff can contact them. Contact information should include, but is not limited to, a good mailing address and phone number.
Individual members may decide to resolve the complaint with the opposing party separately from other members.
Complaint Form
Individuals and groups must use the official program complaint form to file a complaint. You can contact staff at or 1-833-924-1147 (toll free) if you need help, but your complaint won’t be considered filed until you submit the official form. Accessible PDFs are available in English and Spanish if you are using a screen reader. You can also request reasonable accommodation to submit the complaint.
The online form is available using the latest versions of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. The system can’t save your work, so you must be able to complete the form in one session.
Online Complaint Forms:
To request a paper copy of the complaint form in regular or large print, contact or 1-833-924-1147.
If a non-attorney person or organization is helping with the complaint and acting on your behalf, you can list them as your agent. Then, the Division of Housing can send a written determination via certified mail to the agent instead of the home owner.
Request for Reasonable Accommodation
To request a reasonable accommodation to participate in or benefit from the complaint program, submit two forms:
- Request for Reasonable Accommodation Form: for you or your agent to fill out
- Verification of Need Form: for you to have a medical or health professional to fill out
Words to Know
These words are important to understand while navigating the complaint process.
- Complainant: the person or people making the complaint
- Division: The Division of Housing in the State of Colorado Department of Local Affairs
- Mobile Home Park Act: the state law governing the relationship between mobile home park landlords and residents
- Mobile Home Park Oversight Program: the state program created in 2019 to help resolve disputes
- Home owner: the person that owns a mobile or manufactured home and their family members, including rent-to-own or lease-to-own agreements
- Landlord: the people or businesses that own or manage a park
- Mediation: program-guided, written (emailed or mailed) discussions between parties to help resolve a dispute and determine whether any violations occurred
- Respondent: the person or entity the complaint is against
- Subpoena: a formal written order that requires a person to produce documents or to respond to requests for information
Writing Your Narrative
Before you start, consider reviewing the laws, rules, and policies regulating mobile home parks.
We can investigate complaints related to:
- The Mobile Home Park Act
- The Dispute Resolution and Enforcement Program
- MHPOP’s administrative rules
Does your complaint fall under this act? If it doesn’t, the program can’t investigate.
Be sure that any home involved would be considered a mobile home under Colorado law.
To write your narrative, be clear and specific by including:
- Dates of incidents, ideally in the order they happened
- Details of what happened
- The roles of the people involved, such as park management or maintenance
- Descriptions of pictures or videos you plan to share
- Any supporting documentation
Also consider describing what you:
- Think is a fair resolution
- Hope to get out of the complaint process
The goal of the complaint process is to resolve disputes and ensure parties are following state law, not to punish anyone for violations. If you’re thinking about filing a complaint, be sure you’re interested in taking part in a mediation process.
Sharing Documents
Share Copies and Protect Your Information
Documents, emails, and letters you share in connection with a complaint may be shared with the other party or become public record after the complaint closes. To maintain your own records and protect your privacy:
- Only send copies of documents with your complaint form, because they won’t be returned
- Cross out or do not add personal information that is not directly related to the complaint, such as your Social Security, federal employer identification (FEIN), bank account, or driver’s license numbers
Documents Most Complaints Should Include
Most complaints should include copies of:
- Current and past leases, amendments, addendums and attachments
- Current and past park rules and regulations
- Written communications (emails, letters, text messages) related to the incidents in the complaint
- Any documents related to a potential eviction, such as notices to cure or quit, nonpayment notices, demands for compliance, or summons and complaints
Documents and Media You Might Want to Add
Consider sharing copies of these items, if they’re relevant to your complaint:
- Estimates or requests for work to be completed
- Work orders
- Receipts for work you paid for but may be the responsibility of someone else
- Water bills during the issue
- Notices of water disruption
- Notices or other requests that a home owner do, maintain, or stop doing something
- Clear pictures, videos, or audio recordings with written explanations, if already available
Send Large Media Files
The easiest ways to add files to your complaint are to attach them to:
- Your online complaint form
- An email to
If your files are too big for these methods, there are other options.
Cloud-based Media Sharing Platforms
- Google Drive: You can use Google Drive to create a folder and share documents, images, and videos with staff at You can share a link from:
- Dropbox: Follow the share a Dropbox file or folder instructions.
- Microsoft OneDrive: Follow the share OneDrive files and folders instructions.
U.S. Postal Service
You can mail USB thumb drives or CDs with the photos, videos, and text documents you want to share. You can also mail hard copies of any documents instead of including digital files on the drive or CD. Remember to:
- Send copies, because staff won’t return media or documents
- Provide the case number with your items, if you have one
Mail to:
Mobile Home Park Oversight Program
Care of Complaints, Colorado Division of Housing
Case number:____ (if known)
1313 Sherman St. #320
Denver, CO 80203