State Housing Board

The Colorado State Housing Board was created in 1970 to advise the General Assembly, the Governor, and the Division of Housing on Colorado housing needs. The eight-member State Housing Board reviews financing requests, adopts regulations governing factory built structures and multifamily housing in counties with no building codes. The Board also sponsors research reports for use by the public, legislators, and the Governor.

Meet the Board Members

Meeting Packets and Recordings

The Board meets the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. Currently, the meetings are held virtually, unless otherwise noted in the Board Packet. The meeting can be joined at the scheduled time by clicking Join Meeting below (call-in option is available). Meeting packets contain only the items to be considered at each meeting and reflect whether projects reviewed the previous month were approved. Recordings will be linked below as they become available.

Reasonable accommodation provided upon request for persons with disabilities. If you are a person with a disability and require an accommodation, please notify Laura Caine at laura.caine@state.co.us at least 5 days prior to the scheduled meeting. The Department of Local Affairs TDD/TTY Number is 303-864-7758.

Please contact Laura Caine at laura.caine@state.co.us to request archived meeting packets or recordings.

Technical Advisory Committee

The State Housing Board is required to "consult with and obtain the advice of an advisory committee on residential and nonresidential structures in the drafting and promulgation of rules." The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) fulfills this statutory requirement and is made up of fifteen members appointed by the Director of the Division of Housing.

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