Sell a Park


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Role of the Mobile Home Park Oversight Program

Program staff can’t provide legal advice or legal representation. Information on this website is intended for educational purposes only. 

Know the Law

If you’re thinking about selling a mobile home park, we encourage you to read the law and rules on mobile home park sales and home owners’ opportunity to purchase. Email MHPOP@state.co.us if you would like a copy of:

Program staff can’t provide legal advice or legal representation. Information on this website is intended for educational purposes only. If you want to understand your rights and responsibilities under Colorado law, you should speak with an outside attorney.

Under Colorado law, the seller of a mobile home park is required to: 

  • Provide advance notice in English and Spanish of a potential sale to home owners renting lot space in the park
  • Provide notice to the county and/or municipality and to the Department of Housing within 14 days of a triggering event as described in section 38-12-217(1)(a), C.R.S. Get more details about triggering events
  • Wait for at least 90 days after giving notice to ask for a home owner’s intention or signature relating to their intent on the opportunity to purchase the park
  • Give a group or association of home owners 120 days after the notice to submit an offer to buy the park
  • Consider any purchase offer from a group of home owners or their assignees in good faith

The law also: 

  • Allows a group representing more than 50% of home owners to assign their opportunity to purchase to a public entity
  • Empowers the Division of Housing to file a civil action, impose a fine on the seller of a mobile home park for violations of section 38-12-217, C.R.S., or toll (pause) the 120-day opportunity to purchase period if a group of home owners files a complaint.

Learn the Next Steps

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