Change of Use for Landlords



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Actions to Take

If a landlord wants to change the use of part or all of a mobile home park and one or more home owners will be displaced because of the change of use, then the landlord must take the following actions at least 12 months before the change of use will occur:

  1. Mail a written notice, in English and Spanish, by certified mail to each home owner and other parties;
  2. Post the notice in a conspicuous place on the mobile home or at the main point of entry to the lot; 
  3. Post the notice in a clearly visible location in common areas of the park; and
  4. Keep the notice publicly posted for at least 120 days. See section 38-12-217(1)(b) and (2), C.R.S.


A landlord may also need to get approval from the local authority for the change of use. You should check with the municipality or county where the park is located to find out about local requirements.


What to Post: Information to Include

The change of use notice must be in both English and Spanish. See section 38-12-217(2), C.R.S.

The Division of Housing does not provide a template for notices of change of use, but here is a list of all the information a landlord should include:

  • Notice of home owners’ right to compensation under section 38-12-203.5, C.R.S. in English and Spanish, a requirement that can be met by including a full copy of section 38-12-203.5, C.R.S., in English and Spanish with the notice (also available by emailing MHPOP@state.co.us)
  • Notice of the deadlines described in rules 9.1-9.3 of the Mobile Home Park Oversight Program Administrative Rules, 8 CCR 1302-15, in English and El reglamento administrativo en español (effective November 30, 2022)
  • Landlords are required to include all the same information in all the notices, whether the notices are going to home owners, the Division of Housing, or local government.

Where to Post and How to Deliver

State law requires the landlord to deliver and post the change of use notice using the specific methods listed below.

Certified Mail

The landlord must provide the change of use notice by certified mail to:

  • Each home owner
  • Each residents’ association or similar group that represents the park residents
  • The municipality or county where the park is located
  • The division at: Colorado Division of Housing
    Attention: Mobile Home Park Sales
    1313 Sherman St #320
    Denver, CO 80203

A landlord may, but is not required to, send an additional copy of the sale notice to the division by email to MHPOP@state.co.us.

Hard Copies

Landlords must post hard copies:

  • For each home owner on the home or at a main point of entry to the lot. See section 38-12-217(2)(a)(I), C.R.S.
  • In both English and Spanish in common areas of the park, including any community hall or recreation hall, where it should remain posted for at least 120 days. See section 38-12-217(2)(b)(II)(A), C.R.S.  

Common Areas

Common areas may include, but are not limited to, group mailbox locations, rent payment dropboxes, clubhouses, management offices, park entrances, and/or resident dumpsters.



Landlords must also send emails, in both English and Spanish, to each resident (home owners and individuals renting a mobile home) who has an email address on file. See section 38-12-217(2)(b)(I), C.R.S.

A landlord may also hand deliver an additional copy of the change of use notice to residents, but this is not required.

Home Owner Compensation

If a landlord is temporarily or permanently closing the mobile home park or certain lots to mobile homes, the landlord is required to compensate impacted home owners who submit a written request for compensation. A home owner may demand in writing that:

  • The landlord pay the costs to relocate their home and belongings, or
  • The landlord buy their mobile home from them.

Payment of Relocation Costs

If a mobile home lot or park is closing, the home owner can demand in writing that the landlord pay the actual costs to relocate their mobile home and belongings.  The amount the landlord is required to pay is based on the lowest cost estimate obtained by the home owner from mobile home movers, and the landlord may request a copy of the estimate. The home owners have until thirty (30) days before the date of the change in use to request this compensation. In order to receive compensation, a home owner must actually relocate their home and belongings.  See section 38-12-203.5, C.R.S.

If requested by the home owner, the landlord must pay for expenses related to:

  • Moving the mobile home up to 100 miles by road.  The home owner is responsible for any additional mileage costs over 100 miles
  • Moving furniture and personal belongings
  • Disassembling, moving and reassembling structures such as as porches, decks, skirting, awnings, and sheds owned by the home owner
  • Anchoring the home
  • Disconnecting and connecting utilities
  • Insurance coverage during the move, and
  • Disassembling and reinstalling any accessibility improvements such as wheelchair ramps, lifts, and grab bars

Buying the Mobile Home(s)

If a mobile home lot or park is closing, the home owner can choose not to relocate their mobile home and instead demand in writing that the landlord buy their mobile home.  If the home owner chooses to have the landlord purchase their mobile home, the landlord will be responsible for paying to remove the home from the property.

If a home owner chooses to have the landlord buy their home, the landlord will be required to buy the home for the greater of:

  • $7,500 for a single-section mobile home or $10,000 for a multi-section mobile home (adjusted on July 1 yearly), or
  • 100% of the in-place fair market value as determined by an appraisal process

The landlord is required to pay for the initial appraisal of the home. See section 38-12-203.5(2)(b)(II), C.R.S. for more information about appraisal requirements.

Under the MHPOP’s administrative rules, the home owner can choose to go through the appraisal process, or to simply receive the flat rate (which is $7,500 or $10,000 as of May 2024).

  • If the home owner wants to go through the appraisal process, the home owner must submit their written demand to the landlord for the landlord to pay for an appraisal on their home and buy their mobile home at least 150 days before the date the change in use will occur.
  • If the home owner wants to skip the appraisal process, the home owner must clearly state in their written demand to the landlord that the home owner is choosing to receive the flat rate for the sale of their home, and must submit this demand at least 30 days before the date the change of use will occur.  See 8 CCR 1302-15, Rules 9.2-9.3.


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