Trainings and Public Meetings



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Proposed Rules

Read the Proposed Rules

You can also use the Colorado Secretary of State (SOS) website to stay informed about MHPOP’s administrative rules (8 CCR 1302-15) and the rulemaking process.  

Written Comments

Members of the public were invited to submit written comments to MHPOP on the proposed rules. You can view all public comments submitted between July 25, 2024 (the day the proposed rulemaking was noticed) and August 7, 2024.

Rulemaking Hearing

The Division of Housing held a rulemaking hearing on proposed rules for the Mobile Home Park Oversight Program on Wednesday, August, 14, 2024 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. via Zoom only. Spanish interpretation was available.

See a recording of the rulemaking hearing in English and Spanish.

Testimony at the Rulemaking Hearing

Sign up to provide verbal testimony at the rulemaking hearing using these links. Testimony will be limited to three (3) minutes per person.

Testimony Sign-up Sheet for Mobile Home Park Oversight Program Rulemaking August 14, 2024

Testimonio para la reglamentación el 14 de agosto de 2024

Alternative Drinking Water and Toilets During a Water Service Disruption

Under the Mobile Home Park Act, a landlord may be required to provide potable water and portable toilets to residents when:

  • they have failed to maintain and repair water lines or related connections in the park and there is a water service disruption, or
  • part or all of the park is subject to a boil water advisory due to maintenance and repairs

MHPOP has received questions from landlords and residents about how much water and how many toilets must be provided in these situations, and is proposing clarifying these amounts through rulemaking. MHPOP’s current proposal appears on pages 14-16 of the proposed rules.

MHPOP has referred to the following documents to develop these proposed rules: 

The proposed rules are not final. Members of the public have the opportunity to submit written feedback on the division’s proposal, or give verbal testimony at the upcoming rulemaking hearing.


Past Public Meetings on Proposed Rulemaking

On June 4, 2024, Governor Polis signed House Bill 24-1294 Mobile Homes in Mobile Home Parks into law.

MHPOP held public meetings to provide information and ask for public feedback on the implementation of HB 24-1294.  MHPOP is using this feedback to update the administrative rules for the program, which clarify and implement the law.

View the HB24-1294 Overview & Rulemaking Discussion presentation slides.

Public Meetings were held virtually via Zoom on:

Recent Trainings

Past Events 

Submit your request for any of these resources to MHPOP@state.co.us

Former Trainings 

  • August 23, 2021: Stakeholder Meeting - Results of Program’s First Annual Constituent Survey (videos in English and Spanish)
  • January 15, 2021: Training for Local Governments on the Mobile Home Park Oversight Program (English video) 
  • October 28, 2020: Overview & Complaint Process (videos in English and Spanish) 
  • August 13, 2020: Training on the Complaint Process (English audio and slide deck) 

Public Meetings 

  • January 30, 2020: Logan County (English video, Spanish audio) 
  • January 24, 2020: Adams County (English video, Spanish audio) 
  • October 25, 2019: Eagle County (English video) 
  • September 6, 2019: Adams County (English video) 
  • September 16, 2019: El Paso County (English video, Spanish audio) 
  • September 24, 2019: Larimer County (English video) 

Rulemaking Meetings and Hearings 

  • September 30, 2022 Rulemaking Hearing (English video, public comments, proposed rules)
  • Public Meetings on Proposed Rulemaking (2022) 
    • August 12 (videos in English, Spanish) 
    • August 8 (videos in English, Spanish) 
    • August 4 (videos in English, Spanish) 
    • August 1 (videos in English, Spanish) 
  • October 5, 2021: Rulemaking Hearing (English video, public comments, proposed rules)
  • Stakeholder Meetings: Proposed Rulemaking (2021) 
    • September 3 (videos in English, Spanish) 
    • August 26 (videos in English, Spanish) 
  • September 30, 2020: Rulemaking Hearing (English video, Spanish audio)
  • Stakeholder Meetings - Proposed Rulemaking (2020) 
  • August 27 (videos in English, Spanish) 
  • August 21 (videos in English, Spanish) 
  • August 18 (English video)


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