Foreclosures, Evictions, and Legal Help


Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program

The Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program uses federal Homeowner Assistance Funds to help income qualified homeowners affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, get caught up on past-due housing/mobile home payments, property taxes, lot rent, insurance and housing utilities.

Emergency Mortgage Assistance

Housing Counseling Assistance Program

Free service to all Coloradans where residents can be connected to local housing resources like financial assistance for rent and mortgages or to be put in touch with legal assistance to prevent a looming eviction.

Housing Counseling Assistance Program


Immediate Housing/Rental Assistance

Individuals facing homelessness or eviction can find resources by calling 2-1-1 Colorado. While the Division of Housing doesn't provide immediate aid, 2-1-1 connects people with emergency shelter, food, rental assistance, healthcare, and more.

2-1-1 Colorado is a confidential and multilingual service in Colorado that focuses on linking residents with essential services through phone or online channels. This service operates via four Area Information Centers across the state.

No matter where you are in Colorado, dialing 2-1-1 gives you access to local resources for food, housing, child care, counseling, or substance abuse treatment. It's the one number for the help you need.

If you are a resident of Denver, Colorado, you may be eligible for the Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance (TRUA) Program.

If you receive a “Summons and Complaint for Forcible Entry and Detainer,” it means your landlord has filed an action in court to evict you. View an example of what a Summons looks like.

The Division of Housing does not provide direct support to residents regarding evictions. The Division recommends residents of Colorado explore their options with the following resources.

  • Contact the CARE center by call or text 1-888-480-0066, Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Mountain time. Individuals can also chat with a CARE center representative during business hours. 
  • Contact Colorado Housing Connects.

Legal Help

The Division of Housing does not provide direct support to residents regarding evictions. The Division recommends that residents of Colorado to explore their options with the following resources. 

Colorado Legal Services

Colorado Poverty Law Project

Community Economic Defense Project

Centro San Juan Diego, Archdiocese of Denver

Mi Casa Resource Center and the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association

  • Offers a free legal clinic on the second Tuesday of every month from 6-8 PM.  Participants must make an appointment before the event.
  • Mi Casa Resource Center and the Colorado Hispanic Bar Association Website
  • Phone: (303) 573-1302

Denver Bar Association

Colorado Women's Bar Association

Colorado Legal Help Center

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