Revolving Loan Fund Programs


The Colorado Department of Local Affairs, Division of Housing (DOH) and the State Housing Board authorize and direct the use of Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) programs to increase, improve, and sustain the affordable housing stock in the State of Colorado. DOH currently funds RLFs for Single Family Owner Occupied Rehabilitation (Rehab), Down Payment Assistance (DPA), and certain homeownership development programs (New Construction/For Sale).

What are the Revolving Loan Fund Programs?

Down Payment Assistance (DPA) and For-Sale Construction

The DPA and For Sale Construction (“For Sale”) Programs aim to help qualified low- to moderate-income families afford a home.

Rehabilitation Program

The goal of the Single Family Owner Occupied (SFOO) Rehabilitation (“Rehab”) Program is to remove deficiencies or health and safety hazards, correct substandard conditions, correct violations of local housing codes, improve accessibility and improve energy efficiency for owner-occupied housing.

Revolving Loan Fund Agencies Searchable Database

Are you interested in the DPA or SFOO Rehab programs? Search the table below for agency contact information for your area.

Search Tip: search in the Service Area column for your county to see what programs are available.

Click any column header to sort the memos numerically or alphabetically.   


Contact Name

Contact Phone Number

Contact Email

Agency Website

Services Provided

Service Area

HomesfundPam Moore970-259-1418pam@homesfund.orghomesfund.orgDPAMontezuma, La Plata, San Juan, Archuleta and Dolores Counties
Chaffee Housing TrustRead McCulloch719-239-1199read@chaffeehousing.orgchaffeehousing.orgDPAChaffee County
Colorado Housing Assistance CorporationMichelle Mitchell303-572-9445 x116michellem@chaconline.orgchaconline.orgDPAStatewide
Total ConceptSteve Cordova719-263-5168scordova@totalconcept.netTotalConcept.netDPA/SFOOBent, Crowley, and Otero Counties
Loveland Housing AuthorityLinda Wright970-618-5339lwright@lovelandhousing.orglovelandhousing.orgSFOOLarimer and Weld Counties
San Luis Valley Housing CoalitionDawn Melgares719-587-9807dawn@slvhc.comslvhc.comDPA/SFOOAlamosa, Conejos, Costilla, Mineral, Rio Grande and Saguache Counties
Housing Resources of Western Colorado/Com ActWendy Genkov970-241-2871wendyg@hrwco.orghrwco.orgDPA/SFOO(DPA: Mesa, Delta, Montrose Counties) (SFOO: Mesa, Garfield Counties)
Impact Development FundConnie Ealey970-494-2021connie@impactdf.orgimpactdf.orgDPALarimer, Weld, Eagle, Mesa, Montrose, Ouray, San Miguel, Fremont, Boulder, Routt, Morgan and Lake Counties
Elevation Community Land TrustStefka Fanchi720-822-0052sfanchi@elevationclt.orgelevationclt.orgDPAStatewide
NeighborWorks Southern ColoradoRosa Leon719-404-4766rleon@nwsoco.orgnwsoco.orgDPAPueblo County
Habitat for Humanity of the San JuansAmanda Gerhardt970-650-2507amanda@buildinglives.orgbuildinglives.orgSFOOMontrose, Delta, Ouray and San Miguel Counties
Southeast Colorado Enterprise DevelopmentStephanie Gonzales719-336-3850jason.dittburner@seced.netseced.netSFOOProwers County
Rocky Mountain Community Land TrustNate Clyncke719-447-9300 x3nate@rmclt.orgrmclt.orgDPAEl Paso County
Housing Solutions for the SouthwestElizabeth Salkind970-259-1086esalkind@swhousingsolutions.comswhousingsolutions.comSFOOLa Plata, San Juan, Archuleta, Montezuma, and Dolores Counties
Upper Area Arkansas Council of GovernmentsGeneral Inquiries719-275-8350info@uaacog.comwww.uaacog.comSFOOChaffee, Custer, Fremont, Lake, Park, Teller Counties
Douglas County Housing PartnershipsArtie Lehl303-784-7857alehl@douglas.co.ushttps://douglascountyhousingpartnership.org/DPADouglas County
South Central Council of GovernmentsBrenda Poe719-845-1133bpoe@sccog.nethttps://sccog.colorado.govSFOOHuerfano County
Summit Combined Housing AuthorityVickie Lewis970-668-4173vickiel@summithousing.ushttps://www.summithousing.us/DPASummit County
City and County of BroomfieldVeronica Ware303-572-9445 x113veronicaw@chaconline.orgwww.chaconline.orgDPABroomfield County

Click any column header to sort the memos numerically or alphabetically.   

*For additional information about DOH RLF Programs, you may refer to the RLF Guidelines.


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