I'm Facing Eviction



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What You Can Do if You’re Facing Eviction

Staff from the Mobile Home Park Oversight Program can’t provide legal advice, and they can’t stop or grant a court-ordered eviction.

If you’re facing eviction, we strongly recommend you contact an attorney to help you with the court process, in addition to filing a complaint with the program.

If you receive a Summons and Complaint telling you when you have to appear in court, you should go to court and let the court know that you have made a complaint with the state’s Mobile Home Park Oversight Program.

If you don’t appear in court, you will likely lose the case by default. The Mobile Home Park Oversight Program won’t be able to reverse this judgment.


The Colorado Judicial Branch provides information and forms on mobile home evictions.
For help understanding and completing these forms, you can visit a Court Self Help Center.

For information on how to request low-cost legal help with your case, learn about legal and rent assistance resources for tenants.

Home Owners Have Rights

A landlord can only end a home owner’s tenancy for specific reasons listed in the Mobile Home Park Act.

For example, a landlord can’t end a home owner’s tenancy for just any violation of park rules. The violation has to be for rules that are necessary to prevent material damage to property or for the health or safety of individuals.

Also, in most cases, home owners have 90 days after receiving a lease termination notice, called a notice to cure or quit, to fix violations of park rules, local ordinances, or state laws relating to mobile homes or mobile home lots. If you are facing eviction because of non-payment of rent, you have up to the date of the judgment to pay all back rent.

Home owners usually have 30 to 60 days to sell or move their home after an eviction judgment by a court, called a judgment for possession. Home owners have ten days to move if they have been evicted because of non-payment of rent, threats or harm to people or property, or certain criminal activities. See section 38-12-203(1)(f), C.R.S.

Review resident rights and responsibilities and mobile home laws, rules, and policies to learn more.


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