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Incorrect or Invalid Rent Notice
Colorado law dictates when and how landlords can increase rent in a mobile home park.
If you reviewed the details on rent increase regulations and believe your landlord gave a rent increase notice that’s incorrect or invalid, you may:
- Contact the Mobile Home Park Oversight Program at or 1-833-924-1147 (toll free)
- File a complaint with the program and include copies of any rent increase notices you received
Preventing Increases by Requesting a Longer Lease
If you don’t want to face a potential rent increase in the first months of your tenancy, you can ask your landlord for a longer lease term.
To do this, you need to submit a written request to your landlord for a lease that has a fixed tenancy of one year.
After your initial lease, your landlord is required by law to grant you a subsequent request for a one-year lease as long as you:
- Made the request in writing
- Are current on all rent payments
- Aren’t in violation of the terms in your existing lease
Initial Leases and Subsequent Rent Increase Notices
While an initial rental amount listed in an initial lease doesn’t count as a rent increase, when a second or subsequent rent increase notice is received, that amount does count as a rent increase. The landlord can’t increase the same home owner’s rent more than once in 12 months. Review rent increase regulations.
The first time a home owner wants to switch to a year-long (or other fixed term) lease, the landlord is allowed to make that lease for less than one year to ensure conformity with a standard anniversary date. However, it is a violation of the Mobile Home Park Act for a landlord to evict or otherwise penalize a home owner for requesting a rental agreement for a fixed period.