Check a Park's Registration Status



Para ver esta información en español, elija "Spanish" del menú desplegable "Select Language" en la parte superior derecha. O, para solicitar esta información en español, comuníquese con el programa a través del correo electrónico MHPOP@state.co.us o llame al 1-833-924-1147 (llamada gratuita).


If you need a PDF or printed copy of registration information or have a question, contact the Mobile Home Oversight Program at DOLA_MHP_registration@state.co.us or 1-833-924-1147 (toll free).


Reviews and Approvals

Before approving a registration application, the Division of Housing reviews the registration form, all supplemental documentation (the mobile home address list, the assessor report, any certificates of good standing), and the fee payment.

Staff may contact you if they need more information to complete, clarify, or correct the application. Until staff receive the information, your application will be considered incomplete and may not be accepted.

The division sends an email (or letter, if your email isn’t on file) confirming that the application was approved and the park is registered. The confirmation includes a: 

  • Park registration number (MHP-)
  • Application number (APP-)
  • Registration issue date 
  • Registration expiration date

Keep the confirmation for your records.

Check Your Registration Status

You can check any Colorado mobile home parks' registration status on our list of registered parks.

A pending registration status means the landlord submitted a registration form, documents, or payment, but the division hasn’t confirmed yet whether the information is complete.

After the division confirms a park’s registration is complete and approves the application, that park’s registration becomes active.

Tips for Timely Approval

Read the registration information packet carefully and ensure all required information, attachments, and payments are included before you submit.

A park’s registration is not complete unless all required information has been provided. The division may not accept incomplete registration applications. See section 38-12-1106(7), C.R.S.

Staff will contact you if they need more information to approve your registration. To ensure you receive important communications about registration and complaints, we recommend:

Registration and Rent Increases

Under Colorado law, mobile home parks must be actively registered for landlords to increase rent. Parks also can’t have outstanding registration or penalty fees. Get the details on how you can increase park rent.

If you recently submitted a registration renewal application for your mobile home park and you intend to issue a new rent increase notice in the next 30 days, email DOLA_MHP_registration@state.co.us or call 1-833-924-1147. Staff can help you check the status of your park’s registration application.


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