Para ver esta información en español, elija "Spanish" del menú desplegable "Select Language" en la parte superior derecha. O, para solicitar esta información en español, comuníquese con el programa a través del correo electrónico o llame al 1-833-924-1147 (llamada gratuita).
Translation and Interpretation Services
Effective June 30, 2024, mobile home park landlords must provide any notice, disclosure, or other communication that a landlord is required to provide to a resident in both English and Spanish. Residents can ask you to provide a notice, disclosure or other communication in a language other than English or Spanish. Residents can also request that you provide an interpreter in a language other than English or Spanish, including American Sign Language. State law also says landlords must ensure that any required notice, disclosure, or other communication is written in clear and plain language so it can be easily understood by all park residents.
Responses from Residents
Residents may respond in English or Spanish to any notice, disclosure or other communication that you give them. If a resident requested that you provide notices, disclosures or communications to them in a language other than English or Spanish, they may respond to you in the requested language.
This page includes vendors, resources, and more information for landlords on the language requirements in the Mobile Home Park Act.
This list is provided for informational purposes only. The Mobile Home Park Oversight Program (MHPOP) does not endorse any of these organizations. Contact the organization directly for the most up to date information.
Plain Language Guidelines
Read the federal plain language guidelines if you need help revising your lease to make it easier for your tenants to understand.
Documents to Translate
Effective June 30, 2024, landlords must provide any required notice, disclosure or other communication to residents in English and Spanish, including:
- The mobile home park or community rules and regulations and any amendments to the rules and regulations
- Notice of Home Owner and Resident Rights. The Division of Housing provides this document in English and Spanish.
- Notices of rent increases
- Notices of water usage and billing
- Notices of water service disruptions
- Notices of boil water advisory
- Results of water quality tests
- Notices of meetings for residents of the park
- Notices required by law or by a rental agreement
- Notices to terminate tenancy, including notices to cure or quit and notices of nonpayment of rent
- Notice of sale or closure of part or all of a park
- Communications related to payment of relocation costs or a binding offer to purchase a mobile home when a landlord is closing part or all of the mobile home park and one or more mobile homes are being evicted from the land
- Requests for signatures accepting or declining the opportunity a group of home owners has to purchase a park
- List of items that the landlord provides the seller of a mobile home, which includes the items the landlord will require the home buyer to change or repair to bring the home into compliance with current park rules and regulations
Landlords must disclose the terms and conditions of a tenancy in writing in a rental agreement in English, or upon request in both English and Spanish, to any prospective home owner before the rental or occupancy of a mobile home space or lot. You may, but are not required to, provide leases in a language other than English and Spanish to a prospective home owner.
Verbal Communication
Residents can ask you to read a written notice, disclosure or other communication verbally in English one time. You must read the communication aloud to the resident or provide an audio or video recording of the communication being read within 72 hours of receiving the request.
Landlords are required to provide interpretation services at meetings for residents of the park. You must post notices of the meeting in English, Spanish and any other language spoken by more than one resident in the park.
At least seven days before the meeting, home owners can request interpretation services for the meeting. You should work with the interpreter on any documents or materials that they need for the meeting. You are responsible for costs associated with translation and interpretation. See section 38-12-212.9 of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S.)
Landlord Retaliation is Prohibited
It is against the law for a landlord to retaliate against a resident if the resident asks for a communication in another language (see section 38-12-212.5(2)(g), C.R.S.). Learn more about what counts as retaliation.