NSP 1 Program Income Guidelines
Colorado NSP Program Income Guide (whole document - pdf)
Single sections only:
- General Principles (pdf)
- Cash Management (pdf)
- Program Income from NSP Financing (pdf)
- Program Income from Sale of NSP Property (pdf)
- Program Income from NSP Rental Property (pdf)
- Program Income from Land Bank Activities (pdf)
NSP Payment Request Form (pdf)
NSP Financial Status Report (pdf)
NSP Program Income Worksheet (xls)
The Neighborhood Stabilization Program Final Rules from Federal Register
NSP Combined Notice
NSP 1 Bridge Notice
NSP Closeout Notice
NSP New Definitions as of 4/2/2010
- NSP Notice on Abandoned and Foreclosed Definitions
- NSP Changes to Definitions
- Guidance on the Impact of New Definitions for NSP Eligible Properties
- HUD PowerPoint "Impact of New Definitions"
- NSP Policy Alert: Guidance on 25% Set-Aside
HUD NSP Resource Page
DOLA CDBG Guidebook
HUD NSP Targeting
Energy Efficiency Standards,(approved by SHB 2/2010)
Policies and Procedures Concerning the Use of State's Direct Action