Funding Application


If you are an affordable housing developer, public housing authority, or community organization that wishes to apply for funding for affordable housing development, homelessness prevention, or rental assistance projects, download the development application instructions, application, and related forms from this page. See application instructions for Division of Housing priorities, eligibility and requirements.

If you are a Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) seeking operating funds, sign up for our mailing list where we will announce the opening of the application and instructions.

Application Schedule

All application cycles are competitive. DOLA accepts applications according to the following schedule:

DOH Grant and Loan Application Due Dates and Funding Available through FY 24-25
Applications DueApplication TypeFunds Available*Source of Funds
July 1, 2024Rental Development - 2023 LIHTC Priority$46.5 million, approx.

State Housing Development Grant

  • General Fund
  • Vendor Fee

State Prop 123 Homelessness funds

July 15, 2024LOIs due for August 1 application cycle
August 1, 2024Homeownership Programs (DPA and SFOO)$10 millionState Prop 123 Homeownership funds
August 15, 2024LOIs due for August 30 application cycle
August 30, 2024Homeownership Development$10 million, approx.State Prop 123 Homeownership funds
CHDO operating grants$260 thousand, approx.Federal HOME
September 15, 2024LOIs due for October 1 application cycle
October 1, 2024Rental or Homeownership Development$5 millionFederal CDBG
October 18, 2024LOIs due for December 2 application cycle

December 2, 2024

First round anticipated to be subject to competitive scoring

Rental or Homeownership Development$9.5 million, approx.

Federal HOME

Federal HTF

Federal HOME - CHDO Set Aside 

Homeownership Development$15 million, approx.State Prop 123 Homeownership funds
Homeownership Programs (DPA & SFOO)$5 millionState Prop 123 Homeownership funds
January 17, 2025**LOIs due for March 3 application cycle
March 3, 2025**Rental or Homeownership Development$12.9 million, approx.

State Housing Development Grant

  • Vendor Fee
Homeownership Development$10 million, approx.State Prop 123 Homeownership funds
March 17, 2025**LOIs due for May 1 application cycle
May 1, 2025**Rental or Homeownership Development

Should any FY24-25 funding remain uncommitted at this point, it will be rolled into May 1, 2025 application cycle

Homeownership Development$10 million, approx.State Prop 123 Homeownership funds

View a descriptive narrative of the "DOH Grant and Loan Application Due Dates and Funding Available through FY 24-25" infographic above.

*Funding amounts are subject to change, as Vendor Fee allocations are received monthly and are dependent on sales tax proceeds. DOH will confirm how much funding will be made available with each application cycle upon publication of LOIs.

**DOH is publishing this anticipated calendar through June 2025 to allow applicants to begin planning. However, this calendar and application amounts are subject to change due to changes to projected funding amounts or changes in policy. Any changes will be communicated ASAP, and a revised calendar for January - June will be published by November 1, 2024, if needed. 

Application Forms

Housing Development Scoring Criteria

The Department of Local Affairs’ Division of Housing (DOH) has developed the following scoring criteria to apply to its quarterly, competitive application cycles for rental and homeownership projects beginning December 2, 2024. DOH will use this to help guide recommendations for housing development funding.

Instructions and Reference Materials


Contact one of our Housing Development Specialists for questions about the application, forms or process.

If you'd like to receive email updates about Funding Opportunities, sign up for our mailing list.

​Equal Housing Opportunity


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