Inventory of Non-developed State-owned Land


The Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration (DPA) produces and maintains an inventory of State-owned land and buildings to promote affordable housing, child care, public schools, residential mental and behavioral health care, and renewable energy development. To find out more, use the links below.

Office of the State Architect (inventory of state-owned land and properties)

Department of Personnel & Administration (interest form)

Public Private Partnership Collaboration (P3) (additional information)

State of Colorado property viewer

In 2019, the Colorado Legislature passed and the Governor signed House Bill 19-1319 requiring each state agency and state institution of higher education to submit a list of all non-developed land owned by or under control of the agency or institution. The purpose of this inventory is to identify land that could potentially be developed for affordable housing for low- and moderate-income households, either on a for-sale or rental basis. 

The report supporting document linked below includes all of the land reported by state agencies and state institutes of higher education. Several agencies and institutes of higher education reported that they do not own or control any non-developed land. The report includes a short description and whether or not the property is for sale. In some cases, the report references photos, which can be requested from the Capital Development Committee at CDC@state.co.us

HB19-1319 Non-Developed State Owned Land Report Memorandum
HB19-1319 Non-Developed State Owned Land Report Supporting Document


Meredith Moon
Deputy Director of Budget
Office of State Planning and Budgeting


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