Colorado Housing Investment Fund (CHIF)


In February 2012, the state of Colorado together with 48 other states reached a settlement with the five largest mortgage servicing companies. Through this settlement, Attorney General John Suthers announced over $50 million, all custodial funds through the Attorney General’s office, would be used for homeowner relief, foreclosure prevention and affordable housing. The Colorado Housing Investment Fund (CHIF) was created from the Attorney General’s custodial funds with $13.2 million to address Colorado’s need for affordable rental housing. In 2015, an additional,$23 million in custodial funds were added to the CHIF based on the success of the Fund.

The CHIF funds can be used two ways: 1) short term, low interest loans to bridge the long-term permanent financing sources (a portion of loan may remain in the project as permanent debt) and 2) short term loan guarantees for new construction and rehabilitation. The CHIF funds will revolve back into the CHIF fund allowing DOH to make more loans, as the short term loans are repaid or loan guarantees are released.

At this time, applications are accepted on the first of every month. However, please contact your Housing Development Specialist prior to submitting an application for CHIF to confirm availability of funds.

Eligible Borrowers

  • Non-profit
  • For-profit
  • Housing Authorities

Eligible Activities 

See term sheets - activities restricted by funding mechanism).

  • Acquisition
  • Bridge Loans
  • New Construction
  • Rehabilitation


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