Transformational Housing Loan Fund

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), through its Division of Housing (DOH), Office of Housing Finance and Sustainability (OHFS) is currently accepting applications for the Transformational Affordable Housing Loan Fund (THLF). The THLF provides low-interest, flexible and below-market financing to developers and affordable housing providers for the creation or preservation of housing affordable to Extremely Low Income to Middle Income individuals and families throughout Colorado. 

The State of Colorado has an opportunity, through SB22-159, to address the affordable housing crisis in Colorado, in part, by providing flexible, low-interest, and below-market rate funding that will support increases in new housing developments, the preservation and rehabilitation of existing home stock, property conversions, and nontraditional housing capacity in diverse geographic communities.

Funding Opportunity 

Transformational Housing Loan Fund (THLF)

Total Amount Available:  Up to $71,250,000*

Application Details

Letters of Intent: N/A

Applications Due: Monthly, beginning May 1, 2023

Application Instructions

Applications can be submitted through Neighborly. Contact your Housing Development Specialist for more information. 



Theresa Cassano
Director, Office of Housing Finance and Sustainability

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