Foundations Plan Checklist - Modulars

The Foundations Plan Checklist is listed below or you can download it when you're ready to complete it and submit it for approval. Full submission is required before a review will be completed.

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Plan Set Package

Electronic PDF Plan Submissions Only

  • Initialed and signed copy of this Checklist confirming applicable documents have been included in the plan package.
  • Index of submitted plan package
    • Can be a separate document or clearly denoted on cover page
  • Plans should be approved and stamped by a Licensed Colorado Registered Design Professional. Plans must include the following:
    • Site location where structure is to be installed
    • Soils report
    • Frost Depth
    • Current CDOH codes and standards per 8 CCR 1302-14
      • If the structure is a HUD Code Home, must comply with HUD installation standards
    • Applicable foundation design criteria that is specific for the site location or meet CDOH minimums per 8 CCR 1302-14, whichever is more restrictive.
    • Site plan, with minimum setback distances to lot lines or other structures noted
    • Designate as Permanent or Temporary foundation per 8 CCR 1302-14 Definitions
    • Does system include the factory-built unit’s chassis? If so, provide interface details. Chassis shall be separately approved for Tiny Homes
    • If Special Inspections are required
    • Identification of flood hazard areas


Installation Manual Footing Option

Electronic PDF Plan Submissions Only

Installation Manual Foundations Submittal must include the following (Pages for the footing must have a stamp by a Licensed Design Professional):

  • Site location where structure is to be installed
  • Soils report
  • Frost Depth
  • Stamped footing or foundation design with supporting data that meet or exceed local design requirements.
    • Applicable foundation design criteria that is specific for the site location or meet CDOH minimums per 8 CCR 1302-14, whichever is more restrictive.
  • Site plan, with minimum setback distances to lot lines or other structures noted
  • Designate as Permanent or Temporary foundation per 8 CCR 1302-14 Definitions
  • Does system include the factory-built unit’s chassis? If so, provide interface details. Chassis shall be separately approved for Tiny Homes
  • If Special Inspections are required
  • Identification of flood hazard areas

Applicant must sign below acknowledging submittal checklist has been read and all applicable documents have been submitted for review and any changes to plans require plans to be resubmitted for review, and approved by DOH before construction. All DOH plans are subject to field inspection. Additional information not included in this general list may be requested by DOH plan reviewers to complete review.

Additional Information

For additional plan review requirements, questions, or concerns, please reach out to our staff.

FB/FBNR Structures: manufactured.plans@state.co.us
Tiny Home Structures: dola_tinyhomes@state.co.us

This form should be used to report problems or issues with this website. Questions pertaining to a program or service provided by DOH should be addressed to contact information located on the specific program pages.

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