Consumer Complaints - Modulars


For modular homes and state certified tiny homes, the program will investigate reports of construction defects or deficiencies such as installation errors, or registered seller issues. 

For areas of Colorado that do not have a building department, as of July 1, 2023, the state is responsible for foundation design review, approval and inspection for factory-built structures. Complaints about foundation errors should be reported to the BCS program.


General Information on Filing a Complaint

It is important to note that the BCS program does not represent the person filling out the complaint. It is our responsibility to investigate and report any deficiencies and corrections for modular units and tiny homes to the manufacturer, installer, or registered seller.  It is also our responsibility to ensure that corrective actions are taken.

Consumers are cautioned on making repairs before our complaint investigation, as it makes it harder to identify the original state of the deficiency or defect.  While you may always pursue civil action on your own, the BCS program will only work with the manufacturer, installer, or seller.

To file a complaint, access our complaint checklist. The complainant must fill out this form to the best of their ability in order for us to begin processing a complaint. Email and phone calls will not suffice as a formal complaint.

In some situations, such as post delivery and installation modification or corrections, or an extensive amount of time after installation, the program may decline to investigate your complaint.  You will be notified of the reasons for this once your complaint is processed.

The BCS program does not accept complaints for commercial or multifamily modular products.

For questions or to contact the complaint department, please contact us at:
Colorado Division of Housing
Building Codes and Standards Section
Consumer Complaints
1313 Sherman Street, Room 320
Denver, Colorado 80203


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