I Received a Subpoena as a Landlord



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A subpoena is a formal legal request. The program is authorized by state law to issue subpoenas that compel testimony, take evidence, seek access to papers or documents, or provide mobile home park site access to help investigate complaints and resolve disputes. 

A subpoena is an investigation tool. Receiving one doesn’t mean you did or didn’t violate a law. Instead, it just means you have information that could help an investigation.

How and When to Respond

You don’t need an attorney to respond to a subpoena, but you may hire one. You should read each item in the subpoena carefully and make sure you provide a true and complete response by the deadline.

If you don’t have, and can’t reasonably get, any requested paper or document, explain why the paper or document isn’t available.

Your response to the subpoena must be received by – not mailed to – the Division of Housing within 14 calendar days from the date the division sent the subpoena by certified mail.

If you need more time, you may ask for an extension by contacting the program in writing before the deadline. Staff may work with you on an extension, but it’s not a guarantee.

Respond or request an extension by: 

  • Email to MHPOP@state.co.us, ideally with a read receipt request Mail, ideally U.S. Postal Service mail with proof of mailing, to: Colorado Division of Housing
    Attention: MHPOP Case #____
    1313 Sherman St. #320
    Denver, CO 80203

Penalty for Not Responding

If the program doesn’t receive a complete response within 14 calendar days and hasn’t granted an extension, it may issue a penalty of up to $5,000 per violation, per day, for each day you fail to respond. The division may delay or dismiss this penalty if you make a good-faith effort to fix the violation by responding to the subpoena within seven calendar days.


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