Local Building Departments - HUD Code Homes

Salesforce Login Information

Current registered Manufacturers, Sellers, Installers, or Inspectors of factory built structures can access Salesforce using the below link. New applicants should visit the appropriate page for their account type, follow the provided instructions, and submit a registration application. Upon successful entry into the system, login information will be sent to you.

Salesforce Link

In Colorado, there are over 300 jurisdictions. Most have active building departments and each have their own Ordinances and building code adoptions. With the vast differences in codes, it can be difficult to produce a manufactured unit that can be installed anywhere in Colorado. For HUD construction, HUD manufacturers produce homes that are approved for regions around the nation. See below for those requirements.

Construction Requirements

For the State of Colorado, HUD manufactured homes must comply with the following design criteria at a minimum to be eligible for sale, installation and construction for the State.

State of Colorado Minimum Design Criteria for HUD Construction

  • Wind Zone: Zone 1
  • Thermal Zone: Zone 3
  • Roof Load Zone: Middle Zone (30psf)

If the structure does not meet the minimum design criteria, it can not be placed in the State of Colorado.

On-site Construction Inspections

On-site Construction (OS), are items that have to be completed on site, to complete the compliance of the structure. These items can vary, but do not relate to the installation of the structure, nor items built on site for attached/detached structures or utility work. Typical site-built items that are permitted by the locals include, but not limited to, garages, patios, patio covers, decks, external stairs, and carports. The State Authorized Agent, where the structure was constructed to complete the inspection of these items.

Foundation Requirements

As mentioned above, there are a vast number of jurisdictions with active building departments, these jurisdictions have complete authority over the plan review, inspection and approval for the construction of foundation systems within its jurisdiction. The only requirement that the DOH enforces through C.R.S. Title 24-32-33 and in the Administrative Rules 8 CCR 1302-14, is that a permanent or temporary foundation system that is designed for the installation of manufactured buildings, must be engineered.

If you are in a jurisdiction that does not have a building department or you are curious about the requirements for those jurisdictions, please look at the Jurisdiction without Building Departments section.

Participating Jurisdictions

Participating Jurisdictions (PJs) are jurisdictions that opt into the DOH installation program to assist with the installation inspections of manufactured homes, multifamily, and tiny homes in Colorado. These PJs are approved by the DOH to conduct installation inspections after they have submitted application and attended required installation training. For more information please contact our Manufactured Home Installation Program Coordinator at dola_mhip@state.co.us.

Manufactured homes, Tiny homes, and multifamily structures installed in a Participating Jurisdiction must schedule installation inspections with the local building department. These jurisdictions have been authorized to complete inspections on the behalf of the Division of Housing.

MHIP Inspection Procedures for Participating Jurisdictions

MHIP Inspector Application for Participating Jurisdictions

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