Welcome to the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Code Homes Information Center
HUD Homes are federally regulated homes that are built to Title 24: Housing and Urban Development, Subtitle B construction standards. The construction of these homes are not regulated by Colorado Statutes or Rules. They follow the specific requirements within Title 24. Although the construction standards are Federally regulated, the Division of Housing does have the authority to enact regulations on the sale, installation and installation inspections of these units. The Division of Housing also does monitor the construction and manufacturing process when there are HUD manufacturers in the State of Colorado. Units that are imported from out of State are monitored by that State’s State Administrative Agent (SAA). The Division of Housing is the SAA for Colorado.

Jurisdictions without Building Departments
In Colorado, over 300 areas have governing bodies, but not all have active building departments. The Department of Housing (DOH) oversees construction, focusing on foundation systems for Factory built homes and HUD homes in areas without building departments.

Consumers of Manufactured Homes and Tiny Homes
Explore the differences between Mobile Homes, HUD Homes, Modulars, and Tiny Homes. Additionally, consult the quick reference guide for modular home requirements and discover the locations where these structures can be installed.