Homeless Prevention Activities Program (HPAP), created through Colorado Revised Statute § 26-7.8-101, provides funding to nonprofits and local governments throughout Colorado to prevent at-risk households from experiencing homelessness. The funding for the program is made available through a variety of sources, including the State Income Tax Check-off program, which allows Colorado residents to make voluntary contributions to the program when filing their state income tax returns.
The HPAP program is administered by the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), Division of Housing, Office of Homeless Initiatives. DOLA’s administration of HPAP is overseen by an Advisory Committee, which includes representation from the Colorado Department of Human Services and additional members of the public selected by DOLA's Executive Director. HPAP grants are awarded throughout the state based on a competitive application process as outlined in an annual Request for Applications (RFA).
Grant Term
July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2025
HPAP Request for Applications (RFA) Resources
Homeless Prevention Activities Program (HPAP) 2025 RFA
For organizations inquiring about existing or potential HPAP grants, please contact:
Briana West
Homeless Program Specialist
Office of Homeless Initiatives
The Division of Housing does not provide direct financial assistance or case management to individuals. Please contact 211, your county human services, or your local homeless services providers if you are an individual or family seeking immediate assistance.