Creation of Supportive Housing RFA

The Division of Housing is continuing its coordinated effort with the Colorado Housing and Finance Authority (CHFA), and local municipalities to increase the production of Supportive Housing (SH), also known as Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH), for extremely low-income people experiencing homelessness with complex barriers to housing stability.


PSH is decent, safe, affordable, community-based housing that provides tenants with all the rights and responsibilities of tenancy, tenancy support services, and links to other intensive supportive services using best practices for SH, particularly the Housing First model, as well as Harm Reduction and Trauma-Informed approaches. This approach is designed to allow tenants to live as independently as possible.

Relevant Dates

Application Response RoundDivision of Housing LOI DueRFA Application DueAnticipated Division of Housing Determination Date

- 9% LIHTC Competitive

- Any non-Competitive LIHTC

- Any non-LIHTC 

- Tenant-Based Applications 

December 15, 2023 February 1, 2024

March 18, 2024 

- LIHTC projects

March 29, 2024 

- Non-LIHTC projects

- Any non-Competitive LIHTC

- Any non-LIHTC 

- Tenant-Based Applications (Pending Availability)

April 1, 2024May 3, 2024May 31, 2024

- 4% & State LIHTC Competitive 

- Any non-Competitive LIHTC 

- Any non-LIHTC

- Tenant-Based Applications (Pending Availability)

June 3, 2024 August 1, 2024

October 4, 2024

-LIHTC projects

October 15, 2024

- Non-LIHTC projects

- Any non-Competitive LIHTC 

- Any non-LIHTC 

- Tenant-Based Applications (Pending Availability)

October 1, 2024November 1, 2024December 13, 2024

Application Details

Applicants should respond to this RFA for any Supportive Housing project in the State of Colorado that intends to apply to DOH, Denver Housing Authority (DHA) and/or the City and County of Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST), for any of the following:

  • Project-Based Rental Assistance
    • HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH)
    • State Housing Vouchers (SHVs)
    • HOST Funded Rental Assistance
    • Project-based Housing Choice Vouchers (HCV) from DOH will NOT be included within the 2024 PSH RFA.
  • Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (811PRA)
  • New for 2024 - Tenant-Based State Housing Vouchers
  • Tenancy Support Services (TSS) funding from DOH or HOST
  • Loan or Grant Assistance for Affordable Housing Development from DOH or HOST and/or DHA's D3 (DHA Delivers for Denver) Bond Program

Participating in the 2024 PSH RFA is not required for supportive housing projects applying to the Colorado Housing and Financing Authority (CHFA) for Low-Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC), state Affordable Housing Tax Credit (state AHTC), Permanent Loans, of Private Activity Bonds. However, Supportive housing projects applying to CHFA for LIHTC are encouraged by CHFA and DOH to submit an application through the PSH RFA. Doing so will provide CHFA and the applicant with DOH’s evaluation of the project’s implementation of the supportive housing program model. This includes key insights relating to the quality of supportive housing services and the strength of the supportive services plan and budget.

All funding decisions for the bulleted list above will use DOH’s review of applicant responses to this RFA as part of their broader application and review process. DOHwill award Project-Based Rental Assistance and associated TSS funding directly from this RFA in the form of conditional determinations. Conditional determinations from DOH are dependent upon applicants securing the necessary financing to move forward with the development process.

Tenant-Based State Housing Vouchers and associated TSS funding will be directly awarded through this RFA but will not be conditional determinations as these project-types do not rely on development financing.


DOH Annual RFA for the Creation of Supportive Housing 2023-2024
Informational Session - 2024 PSH RFA - December 1, 2023 @ 2:00 p.m.


For additional information, please contact Zac Schaffner at Zac.Schaffner@state.co.us or Ann Watts at Ann.Watts@state.co.us.


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