Balance of State Continuum of Care Strategy

The Balance of State (BoS) Continuum of Care (CoC) CoC updated the strategic plan in September 2019 to help align goals and strategies with State and Federal plans to make homelessness rare, brief, and one-time. The updated plan is reflected in strategic goals and covers 5 main areas:

Coordinated Entry Utilization, Quality, and Support

The BoS CoC focuses on a measurable increase in utilization of, quality of, and resources supporting Coordinated Entry across regional communities of underserved populations. We work to increase staffing specifically for Coordinated Entry and prioritize building the capacity of Coordinated Entry activities like Diversion and Prevention.

Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Utilization and Coordinated Entry in HMIS

The BoS CoC focuses on a strategy to improve HMIS utilization and build Coordinated Entry into HMIS across the BoS CoC communities, including automated processes for Diversion and Prevention, Youth in Coordinated Entry Process, etc., also utilizing a phased approach for Domestic Violence Providers either required to or who would prefer to use an HMIS Comparable Database.

Data Focus, Storytelling, and Local Champions

The BoS COC focuses on quality data through HMIS and Comparable Databases, storytelling, and local champions by continually understanding how programs are serving participants through a lens of equity, with a focus on racial equity. We do this through the collection and understanding of data, which we use to share best practices across our communities to advance housing justice and reduce homelessness. This includes highlighting local champions who access and provide services in communities, making our systems more equitable by responding to data disparities and using the information to build-up regional coalitions.

Support Creation of Affordable and Supportive Housing across the BoS CoC

The BoS CoC supports the creation and Implementation of true Affordable and Supportive Housing programs and stock across the state, with a focus on proven solutions to housing people experiencing homelessness: Permanent Supportive Housing, Rapid Re-Housing, Affordable Housing, Housing with Supportive Services, and collaboration of housing providers to expand services to those that are experiencing homelessness.

Increase Annual Competition Score

The BoS CoC strives to bring additional funding to the BoS CoC by working to increase the overall BoS CoC score during the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) annual program competition. We do this by working together to understand Federal and State goals and align them with those of the communities we serve. We will also work to educate ourselves and our communities in best housing practices while advancing housing justice in rural communities at the Federal and State level through advocacy and promoting best practices.

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