2024 HUD Continuum of Care Builds Notice of Funding Opportunity

Continuum of Care (CoC) Builds Notice of Funding Opportunity

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released the CoCBuilds Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO), a new initiative that aims to increase new units of permanent supportive housing (PSH) through a one time funding opportunity through the CoC.

HUD expects to make approximately 25 awards from the funds available under this NOFO.  Up to 3 awards are set aside for the highest scoring project applications where the PSH units are located on Tribal reservations or trust lands. There is a minimum award amount of $1,000,000 and a maximum award amount of $5,000,000 for single projects. For projects located on Tribal reservations or land trusts, there is  a $9,500,000 maximum. A 25% match of funds or in-kind contributions from other sources is required.

Eligible projects must be based within the 54 counties of Colorado’s Balance of State (BoS) region. All applicants will submit their projects to the BoS Continuum of Care (BoS CoC) and the Governing Board will vote to approve one project to put forth to HUD. An additional project may be submitted to HUD if it is submitted for the construction, rehabilitation, or acquisition of new PSH units on Tribal reservations or trust lands.


Key Dates

These dates are tentative and subject to change if multiple applications are received. Any changes to these dates will be posted to this website.

Application Process

The application for the CoCBuilds NOFO is available through the CoCBuilds NOFO funding opportunity located at grants.gov. This is not an e-snaps-based application.

Applications are to be completed by the organization that will administer the funds and must be sent to the CoC’s Collaborative Applicant for review and submission.The application may include one or more subrecipients.

Read the full CoCBuilds NOFO and review the Request for proposals to ensure applications meet all submission requirements.

All applications should be submitted via email to the collaborative applicant at dola_nofo_coc@state.co.us with the subject “2024 CoCBuilds Proposal {Organization Name}” by October 31, 2024 at 5 pm MTD. R

HUD requires that each CoC put forth one application. The BoS CoC can put forth a second application if the project is on a Tribal Reservation or trust land. Therefore, all applications will be reviewed by the BoS NOFO Committee and one application will be selected and recommended to the Governing Board for approval. A second application will be selected if it is located on a Tribal Reservation or trust land.


Reach out dola_bos_nofo@state.co.us with any questions.

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