
Division of Housing (DOH) is committed to providing excellent customer service and technical assistance to our contracted partner agencies. 

Webinar Training Series

January 15, 2025 - Terminations and Informal Hearings

Training Shorts 

Reasonable Accommodation Training Short Video

Miscellaneous Trainings

W-9 and EFT Training

Tip of the Day/Action Alert

HQS Training and Testing: HQS PowerPoint training and to take the HQS certification and Lead Based Paint certification tests.

Applicant Briefing Presentation: An explanation of the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program (previously known as the Section 8 Program).

Rent Reasonableness: Tools, resources and forms to perform rent reasonableness.

HUD Webcasts: Relevant HUD webcasts.

HQS Training and Testing

HQS Regulations

About DOH's HQS Certification Exam (video)

DOH - HQS training Day 1 

DOH - HQS training Day 2 

DOH - HQS training Day 3

Colorado Division of Housing HQS Inspector Certification Exam

  1. Lead Based Paint Exam - Take HUD’s Visual Assessment Training and save a copy of the Certificate to your computer.
  2. Upload a copy of your Visual Assessment certificate to the HQS Inspector Certification Part 1: LBP Certificate link.

After submitting the Certificate you will receive a link to complete the HQS Inspector Certification Exam Part 2: -the Exam.

If you have problems using this link to upload your certificate then please email a copy of your Lead Based Paint Certificate to Michele.Forsyth@state.co.us and we will send you the link to the exam.

HUD Webcasts

EIV Access Process (Process Sheet

PIH EIV Training Program - Refinement of Income and Rent Rule

EIV Initial Training Handout

EIV Updated Training Handout

Print out the above handouts and watch the videos in the order they are listed on the document below:

After you have viewed all of the required videos, please review steps 2 through 4 on the EIV Access Process sheet (Here). After you have completed steps 1 through 4 please contact your Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to fill out the EIV Request Form. 

Rent Reasonableness

For property profile information

Colorado Assessors Association

Unassisted Unit Comparables




Zillow Rentals


Rent Reasonableness Form

Rent Reasonableness Sample Form

Request For Tenancy Approval Form

This form should be used to report problems or issues with this website. Questions pertaining to a program or service provided by DOH should be addressed to contact information located on the specific program pages.

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