News Article

Applicants Wanted - Colorado Energy Code Board

The Energy Code Board (ECB), a joint initiative between the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) and the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA), reviews, approves, and recommends Colorado’s state energy codes, including the Model Electric-Ready and Solar-Ready Code and the Model Low Energy and Carbon Code. The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is charged with filling four of the five current vacancies on the 21-seat board to serve for the remainder of the development of the State's model low energy and carbon code, which is expected to run through June 2025.

Division of Housing Funding Deadlines Announced

We are excited to announce funding rounds for grants and loans through June 30, 2025. The Division of Housing is anticipating up to $134m of funds being made available to award to projects and programs throughout State Fiscal Year 2025 (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025). Should additional funding become available, DOH will communicate to interested parties in the DOH enewsletter and either add this to one of the published application cycles or announce an additional application round, depending on funding type.

Information Sessions for Nonprofits Interested in Participating in the Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit

The Colorado Homeless Contribution Income Tax Credit (HCTC) provides a tax credit to Colorado taxpayers that contribute to eligible homelessness-related projects within Colorado. When taxpayers make a certified contribution, they can claim 25% (for non-rural projects) or 30% (for rural projects) of their donation of $100 or more, potentially motivating taxpayers to contribute more to your organization!

Join the virtual information sessions to learn the details on the following:

Division of Housing Amends Award Letters

As the Division of Housing (DOH) works toward the directives in Governor Polis’ executive order, DOH is amending its award letters to clearly state the timelines necessary for DOH and its grantees and borrowers to meet in order to successfully close deals within 90 days.

The new award letter format will include a shorter award letter expiration aimed at meeting the 90-day directive. DOH award letters will now expire 105 days from issuance. This timeframe includes 15 days for projects to be handed off to DOH’s contracting team.

Executive Order Update and Surveys

The Division of Housing (DOH) is actively working to align with Governor Polis' Strategic Growth Executive Order by reducing contracting time to 90 days or less.

Division of Housing Handoff Process Survey

The Division of Housing (DOH) has seen many applications, awards, and contracts over the past 24 months. This dramatic increase in volume has put a strain on DOH's internal contracting process and systems. DOH continues to look at all aspects of the Application to Executed Contract life cycle to reduce the contracting-specific turnaround time to 90 days by June 30, 2024, as outlined is Governor Polis’ Executive Order D 2023 014:

This survey is focused on the time between the State Housing Board, the award letter, and when development is ready to start the contracting process.

Executive Order D 2023 014

Colorado's housing supply has not kept pace with population growth. The state has current unmet housing needs of tens of thousands of units and will continue to grow — it is estimated the state will add 1.72 million people by 2050. Nearly one-third of Colorado households spend more than 30% of their income on housing and people are forced to live further away from where they work, leading to increased traffic and decreased access to job opportunities.

The Division of Housing 

1313 Sherman Street
Suite 320
Denver, CO 80203

Phone: 303-864-7810

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