The Division of Housing (DOH) is actively working to align with Governor Polis' Strategic Growth Executive Order by reducing contracting time to 90 days or less.
Application Update
During our Contract and Process Improvement Phase, DOH staff are working on 20 application policy and process improvement initiatives both large and small. These initiatives range in size and scope from software optimization to an analysis and recommendation of DOH’s per unit and per project subsidy funding caps. Staff will begin to roll out draft recommendations to the public for feedback in October through this site.
- “Handing Off” between when an application has been awarded funds and when it is ready for contracting has been identified as a pain point for both applicants and DOH staff. Of the 55 awards that were handed off prior to July 1st, 10 have been executed, 6 are with the borrowers for signature, 30 are in process and 9 have been paused for delays due to things ranging from insufficient documentation to waiting for entitlement processes. DOH will undergo a Process Improvement Event on October 17th and 18th to help identify common themes, scenarios or roadblocks that lead to delays in the contracting process and how to identify these early on in the process in order to set appropriate timelines and expectations. Help us to streamline the hand-off by taking this survey(External link). DOH will also be conducting a facilitated workshop with stakeholders of projects that are paused for delays. Reports from this workshop will be included on this site.
- Housing Development Pre-Agreement costs will now be allowable (state funds only and subject to underwriting and SHB approval) effective with award letter dates on or after October 10, 2023 for costs incurred on or after the date of the award letter. Upon complete execution of a grant or loan agreement documents, Grantees and Borrowers will be eligible for reimbursement of pre-approved eligible costs listed in their award letter. Any costs for which reimbursement is requested must be documented pursuant to or otherwise in compliance with the invoicing and pay request process requirements to be set forth in the contract documents. In the event that a state funded grant or loan agreement is not executed, the State will not make any reimbursement for costs incurred. There is no commitment by the State to reimburse eligible costs unless a grant or loan agreement is executed. An awardee may not rely on the award letter for reimbursement in the absence of a fully executed agreement.
Contracting Update
Stakeholders from the State of Colorado and the affordable housing industry gathered on Wednesday, September 20th, to discuss implementing updated language in the Division of Housing development loan agreements. This meeting supports the Division’s work to meet the Governor’s EO on affordable housing, focusing on reducing project processing time.
Throughout October, DOH and the Office of the State Controller (OSC) are reviewing stakeholder input and DOH is drafting an updated contract loan template for more efficient processing giving Coloradans faster access to affordable housing solutions. DOH will pilot the new Loan Template in November. The goal is to limit or eliminate excessive negotiations in order to make the 90 day directive.
A huge thank you to the organizations that joined us in this critical conversation:
- State Controller’s Office
- Volunteers of America
- Enterprise Communities Partners
- BlueLine Development
- Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner
- Lewis Roca Rothgerber Christie
- State Housing Board
Division of Housing Gap Resource Advisory Group
Starting in 2024, DOH is forming a stakeholder group that will meet quarterly to advise DOH as it rolls out new programs, processes and policies pertaining to its gap funding resources or as it reviews and considers changes to existing gap funding programs, processes and policies. The Resource Advisory Group will consist of nine stakeholders aimed at diverse representation (homelessness, homeownership, rental, modular, rural, urban, etc.) from around the state. Additional information as well as details on how interested stakeholders may apply can be found on this website.