Colorado Balance of State (BoS) Scoring, Ranking and Reallocation Policy

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Performance Scoring Policy

Applications for New and Renewal Projects will undergo a threshold review to ensure compliance with CoC regulations at 24 CFR 578 and the CoC Program Notification of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) and BoS Policies. New or renewal projects not meeting the threshold requirement will not be further reviewed and will not be considered for inclusion in the Collaborative Application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Applicants not meeting the threshold requirement will be notified in writing. Renewal projects that have previously passed HUD threshold review, and only in very exceptional cases of changed HUD policies or program changes, will be at risk of not passing the threshold review.

Scoring of renewal projects is largely based on data obtained from the most recent, completed Annual Performance Report (APR) and Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) and aligns with the HUD approved System Performance Measures.

The Project Ranking Committee, a standing committee of the BoS, will review, rate and rank applications and make recommendation(s) to inform the BoS Board of Directors vote. The Project Ranking Committee is composed of funded and non-funded agencies, with no more than half of the membership representing funded agencies. No person who has an interest in an application may participate in scoring that application, nor voting on the final recommendation.  The Project Ranking Committee will ensure representation to meet additional HUD requirements, such as youth representation to review YHDP applications.Renewals will be reviewed based on the renewal evaluation criteria. All New Projects will be reviewed based on the new project scoring criteria. The committee has the discretion to select one or more applications for the amount available for new projects. The committee also may give staff direction to negotiate with conditionally selected applicants.

The BoS will rank applications after scoring all New and Renewal Projects within the CoC based on the Renewal Project Scoring Tool and the New Project Scoring Criteria.

Ranking Policy

HUD requires that CoCs rank projects in two Tiers. Tier 1 projects, contingent on available HUD funds, are most likely going to be funded. Tier 2 projects will be funded, based on available HUD funds, competitively on a national basis. Factors for awarding the Tier 2 projects include: the score that HUD gives to the overall CoC Application, whether the project follows Housing First, and a HUD determined ranking score (for formula see HUD NOFO).

Each CoC funded project that is not a first-time renewal or a first-year transition project will be scored and ranked according to the Renewal Project Scoring Tool. Renewal projects will be ranked solely on their scores, ahead of new project applications. First time renewal projects or transition projects in their first year will be ranked after the renewal projects scored using the Scoring Tool, and ahead of the new project applications. Should there be a need to place a first-time renewal project(s) or first-year transition project in Tier 2, the first time renewal projects will be ranked based on cost (number of households served / total grant award), with the highest ranked program being the one that provides assistance to the greatest number of persons experiencing homelessness. New projects will be scored based on the New Project Scoring Criteria and ranked after renewal projects.

If the NOFO allows for Specific Bonus (e.g., domestic violence), the bonus projects will be scored using the same new project review criteria as all new projects. They will be ranked with the new projects according to their score.

Projects that support the full CoC will be ranked at the top of Tier 1. These projects are not comparable to other new and renewal projects, can only be submitted by the entity designated by the CoC, and therefore cannot be competitively evaluated. This includes HMIS and Coordinated Entry projects.

Tier 2: Project components will be ranked to best maximize the Tier 2 project scores.

Projects will be ranked in Tier 2 as follows:

  • Renewal project applications ranked according to the renewal score
  • First time renewal projects and first year transition projects
  • Reallocation and Bonus project applications (including Specific bonus) ranked according to new project scores and with consideration of local priorities for funding and gap analysis.

Planning Project: The planning project is not ranked in accordance with the NOFO policy.

Reallocation Policy

Any funds reallocated as part of recapturing unspent funds, voluntary or involuntary re-allocation, will be made available for reallocation to create new projects during the local solicitation process.

Unspent Funds

Projects that are not fully expending or are underspending their grant awards are subject to the reallocation process. Projects that have underspent more than 10% of their award or $50,000.00, whichever is less, may be reduced and those funds will go to the reallocation for New Project(s). Projects that have under-expended more than 10% or $50,000.00 of their award in two consecutive program years will have their funding reduced through re-allocation in the next CoC NOFO competition.

Spending reports will be shared with grantees quarterly.

Voluntary Re-Allocation/Transitioning Projects

As part of the local solicitation for inclusion in the HUD CoC collaborative application, providers are asked whether they wish to voluntarily re-allocate their project’s funding. Such re-allocated funds are pooled for re-allocation to New Projects.

Involuntary Re-Allocation

To be included in Tier 1 the Collaborative Application, renewal applications must either meet the threshold renewal score or be determined to be critical to going CoC service continuity by the NOFO Committee and the BoS Board of Directors, subject to available funds. To meet the renewal threshold, renewal projects must score at least 80% of the score of the highest scoring renewal project. For example, if the top score is 90, the minimum threshold will be set at 72.

Projects scoring below the threshold will be asked to develop a plan to address performance issues. Performance plans will be due to be submitted within 30 days of the request and will be reviewed at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Project Ranking Committee. The Plan must be approved by the Project Ranking Committee and BoS Governing Board. If the Plan is not approved, the funds may be subject to future reallocation. If a plan is not submitted the project may be subject to future re-allocation. Any recommendations by the Project Ranking Committee formalized through BoS Board of Directors vote, are subject to appeal through the CoC Grievance Process and, if unresolved, to HUD.

APR data will be shared with the grantees quarterly.


Project applicants that believe their project was scored and ranked incorrectly may submit a written appeal to the BoS CoC Governing Board. Appeals will be considered on the following basis: 1) if the project either was rejected for funding or was placed at risk of significant funding reduction, 2) demonstrated either the rating/ranking process did not follow the CoC stated procedures, or there were errors of fact rather than of judgment on the part of the Rating and Ranking Committee. During the NOFO competition, the CoC will post deadlines and instructions pertaining to ranking and reallocation notification and submission of appeals. Valid appeals will be reviewed by the CoC Governing Board and a final decision made as to whether to change project ranking on the Priority Listing.

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