2022 Annual Report Overview: Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program


Application Data

Between the inception of the Emergency Mortgage Assistance Program (EMAP) and December 31, 2022, 4,840 completed and submitted applications were received from 249 zip codes throughout the State of Colorado.  The majority of completed and submitted applications were from the Front Range, which includes the Denver, Fort Collins, and Colorado Springs Metro Areas.

A map showing places in Colorado where individuals have received funding.

Assistance by Program Design Element

In fiscal year 2022, the EMAP program disbursed $15,873,742.90 in total assistance to 1538 households throughout the State of Colorado for mortgage, utilities, insurance, and tax assistance, as well as education/counseling, and fee assistance. The majority of EMAP funding for fiscal year 2022 was spent on mortgage payment assistance, and payment assistance fees.

Design ElementsTotal Amount of Funds ExpendedPercentage of Expended Funds
Mortgage Payment Assistance$14,917,393.0494%
Payment Assistance Utilities $22,403.16<1%
Payment Assistance Internet$19.99<1%
Payment Assistance Insurance$3,919.60<1%
Payment Assistance Fees$922,710.986%
Payment assistance Taxes$6,646.13<1%
Counseling or Education$650.00<1%


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