Welcome to the Mobile Homes (Built Prior to 1976) Information Center
Mobile homes are manufactured buildings that were built prior to 1976. These structures were built prior to any construction standards being enforced. These structures are typically associated with mobile home parks. They are usually temporarily installed and not placed on a permanent foundation. This does not mean they can’t be placed on a permanent foundation, but require a few additional steps for compliance. Due to the age of the units, DOH only regulates the installation and sale of these structures, while local jurisdictions who have active building departments, regulate the construction requirements for the foundation design and structure. Please contact your local building department for more information on their requirements for placing this type of structure in their jurisdiction. If there are no building departments in your area please contact DOH for foundation, sale, and installation requirements.

Jurisdictions without Building Departments
In Colorado, over 300 areas have governing bodies, but not all have active building departments. The Department of Housing (DOH) oversees construction, focusing on foundation systems for Factory built homes and HUD homes in areas without building departments.

Consumers of Manufactured Homes and Tiny Homes
Explore the differences between Mobile Homes, HUD Homes, Modulars, and Tiny Homes. Additionally, consult the quick reference guide for modular home requirements and discover the locations where these structures can be installed.